Houston, we have a new postmaster

By Kelly Rayl

Yuma Pioneer

The Yuma Post Office has a new Postmaster, his name is Terrence Houston.

Terrence has come to Yuma from a suburb of San Antonio, Texas called Converse.

“Converse was like a rural area when I was young, dirt roads, then it got huge, my Senior class had 2000 students,” he said.

Terrence has three siblings and his Dad was a Postmaster for 32 years. He is now retired.

Terrence has 14 years experience working for the Post Office, 13 years as a mail carrier. The Post Office he came from had 23 routes and Yuma has 8.5.

“I don’t mind talking to people,” he said, “and by the end of the month, Yuma will have a full staff.”