Local corn harvest coming along

The local corn harvest definitely is in full swing now, and is turning out to be a decent one all things considered.
The dryland harvest did not amount to anything, of course considering the dry, hot, windy conditions, and irrigated corn struggled a bit.
Still, area receiving stations are reporting irrigated yields well above 200 bushels per acre, though in most cases not quite as high as what is now considered a bumper crop.
The quality has been good, with test weights universally at 58 pounds or above.
It has been a somewhat slow harvest as it has been tough to get the corn to dry down, ironically, but it has kicked into high gear recently, and should wrap up in the next couple of weeks — just as pheasant season kicks off.
Lisa Hageman, grain originator for CHS said the local harvest likely is about 75 to 80 percent done as harvest activity has picked up over the past week or so.
“It has been slow and steady this year, but at least the weather has held out for us,” she said.
Hageman noted the one exception to dryland corn is in the Vernon and Idalia area, which received more moisture in the spring.
Dalton Hinde with Westplains concurred the irrigated corn yield is a little lower than normal, but the yields still are strong, and test weights have been good.
Rob Baar with Stratton Equity Co-op in Kirk said the crew has had to pile corn on the ground because it has been getting so much in recent days.
“Those with poor wells struggled some, but some with good water have done really well,” he said. “…It’s been a good harvest.”
Currently, the cash price has been soaring above $8 per bushel. Those who visited with the Pioneer noted the basis is at historic highs. Baar said there is a high demand for the corn now, driving up the cash price. He added, though, it is tough on transportation as it is difficult to move the corn to meet demand. He also noted that even those who locked in prices on the futures market are still seeing a good return, though lower than $8 per bushel.
Hinde explained that the basis is due to local demand. He said a tough harvests in Kansas, at least in this region, and in Colorado are driving up the cash price. Worldwide events, such as the war in Ukraine, affect the futures market.
Hageman said: “The basis level is the highest it’s ever been because demand is so high.”