The Implementation Science Center for Cancer Control at the University of Colorado School of Medicine wants to understand what patients’ value about their health and how they go about making decisions to get screening or take other actions to prevent health problems.
We are currently looking for rural community members to share their views on what is important to their health, particularly around the topic of lung cancer screening and smoking cessation.
We are looking for community members willing to participate in an interview that will last approximately 60 minutes. Eligible people would be anyone who receives care from a rural primary care clinic, is between the ages of 55-80, and who either currently smokes or has previously smoked. Interviews will be done with a study team member by phone at a time that is convenient to you and will be focused on patient perspectives related to screening decisions. Participants will receive a $100 Amazon or Walmart gift card for their time. If you are interested in participating please contact Christin Sutter at 303-921-8744 or at [email protected].