Jody Brandner of NJC emailed library staff Monday, January 16, informing them that the mold tests taken in Yuma Public Library the week prior did, in fact, come back positive.
In an update on Tuesday, January 24, Tracey Knox, Director of the Physical Plant Department of NJC, shared that Belfor Property Restoration will be setting up an air scrubber in the children’s area of the library soon to begin mold removal. Brander added that Huwa Carpet Cleaning will also be cleaning the carpet of the library this week.
There is still no definite time frame given on when the library will be able to re-open but with these advancement, it is hopeful that it will be sooner than anticipated.
Library staff have been borrowing books from other libraries for patrons and doing what is possible remotely. If you have items checked out that need to be returned, you may put them in the drop box located at the west doors of the NJC building. A computer and printer station has been set up in an office in the NJC building for public use. Watch for specific hours to be set later this week once all of the details are in place.
The library staff can be reached by calling 970-848-2368 and leaving a message or email at [email protected]. If you need to reserve a book or make an appointment for computer use or printing needs, please call or email.
The library has been closed since a water leak in the fire suppression system was discovered on Christmas Eve, causing extensive water damage in the library.