Unger running for Yuma County Commissioner

Jamie Unger has announced his intention to run for Yuma County Commissioner District 1, a seat currently held by Trent Bushner.
Unger said, “This county has provided me with a great deal of opportunity and I want to insure that Yuma County continues to be a place conducive to the retention and recruitment of people looking for a place to thrive.”
Unger’s priorities are economic progress through innovation and increased efficiency, creative support of county employees, and maintaining Yuma County’s status as a leader in rural America.
Unger said, “It is also important to me to be a strong advocate for our communities when state government tries to enact one size fits all legislation or regulations that impact our way of life. I still have a lot to learn, but I look forward to the opportunity to serve and grow with a place that I have such strong commitments to.”