Yuma County Democrats pulled off assembly

Yuma County Democrats were able to hold their County Assembly last Wednesday, but it did not happen easily.
County leaders already were setting up a system where delegates could vote by proxy. Then came word Wednesday morning of Yuma County’s first confirmed COVID-19 case. By that afternoon the Democrats had been able to set up having the assembly held by conference call, with only local candidates and essential officers being onsite.
Dean Wingfield reported he had been attending county assemblies since his youth “and this was probably the weirdest County Assembly ever attended.”
A total of 10 people showed up, sitting in recently-sanitized chairs and sitting about eight feet apart, according to Wingfield. About seven or eight participated by phone, and there were more than 20 proxys.
The Democrats were able to nominate two county commissioner candidates, Wingfield in District 2 and Dave Blach in District 3. Delegates that will participate in the State Assembly in April are Judy Hill, Sue Jarrett, Alice Dahl and Christi Herrick.
All four delegates will be Andrew Romanoff delegates at the state convention, in the race for U.S. Senate. Romanoff received 24 votes at the county assembly, Trish Zornio had four and Erik Underwood one. Former governor John Hickenlooper dropped out of the assembly process earlier last week because he had been able to petition onto the primary ballot.
It also was reported that based on the Colorado Primary, Yuma County is sending two Joe Biden delegates and two Bernie Sanders delegates to the state convention. All four will be delegates for Ian McCorkle for the District 4 House of Representatives seat.
Yuma County Democrats also reported that the state assembly and convention likely will be held online, though there are no details available yet.