Moisture just keeps on coming

Everything is blossoming and the local agricultural scene is encouraging as wet weather continues to visit the region.
This past Sunday, May 30, was the first remembered in a long time in which it simply rained steadily throughout the day, resulting in 1.5 inches of precipitation over the weekend — according to the CoAgMet weather station located the Irrigation Research Foundation site.

A months-long dryspell was broken April 16 when a heavy, wet snow fell on the region, bringing nearly a half-inch of moisture. There then was a big rain event late in the month that dumped at least 1.5 inches, with much more being recorded in other areas.
The rainy cycle continued throughout May.
Since that April 16 snow, the CoAgMet station has recorded a total of 6.26 inches of precipitation through May 30 — roughly an average of one inch of moisture per week.

A pickup splashes through an intersection in Yuma on Sunday as a heavy rain fell all day. (Pioneer Photo)

Local agronomist Merlin VanDeraa that precipitation throughout the region ranges from six to 10 inches, based on his conversations with producers and traveling the countryside. Some areas might have had more than 10 inches.
The result is that overall the local winter wheat crop currently is in great shape, with a high-end potential. VanDeraa said another significant rain in the next two weeks would make the crop “stellar.”
Those who were able to get in their dryland corn are enjoying a promising start to that crop.
The moisture has allowed irrigated producers to also ease up on the sprinklers. VanDeraa said that currently the area’s sprinkler use is the lowest since 2013.
Pastureland also is looking the best it has in a long time, though it still is not all the way back after years of drought.
Of course, there always are downsides, such as those trying to get out rye so they can plant corn, and those still trying to finish planting.
Residentially, lawns are looking great throughout town, and trees, shrubs, plants and flowers have been loving the moisture.
A warming trend with sunny skies appears to be in the making. The high temperature was supposed to get into the low 80s today, June 3, and stay in the 80s for at least the next week if not longer.