Rayl’s Ramblings

November is birthday month
November is a busy birthday month in our family.
The oldest was born on Election Day in 1988. It was a sunny, warm day.
The middle daughter was born on a sunny, warm Saturday morning in 2001. It was the pheasant season opener, and her oldest brother — the one born on Election Day — got his first-ever pheasant that day. Plus, the YHS football team won a playoff game at Monte Vista that day also.
I was telling her about that on her birthday, and she is like “yeah, it’s my birthday and you remember it for these other reasons.” Actually, the only reason I remember that other stuff is because she was born that day. It was a wonderful, special day, and her birth obviously brought to luck to others that day.
She wasn’t buying it.
The second-oldest son also was born in November. In fact, it was the morning of Thanksgiving. My lovely wife and I still think that was one of the best Thanksgiving meals we ever had, served to us that day in the hospital. It was another beautiful and sunny day. In fact, some of the extended family went golfing that afternoon.
Again, sports plays a role in my memory of that day. Our doctor, a big CU Buffs fan, was prepared to head out to Lincoln for the big CU-Nebraska game to take place the next day. He was prepared to turn the delivery over to another doctor if that kid did not come at a certain time.
Luckily, the boy cooperated and was born in time for our regular doc to be present. (I think he still went to Lincoln, and I remember CU winning that game as we brought the boy home from the hospital.)
We have two other birthdays in November, as well, in the family.
It is a busy, but fun time, and makes me feel blessed every year.

Rayl can be reached at [email protected].